• 36.2806
  • 38.0115
  • 45.8362

Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Stewli District

Güveçli is a village in the District of Süleymanpaşa, the central district of Tekirdağ Province, Turkey. The distance of the neighborhood is 14 kilometers to Süleymanpaşa.

The livelihood of the neighborhood is agriculture and animal husbandry. There is an elementary school in the neighborhood, but the school is not available and students benefit from the bussing system. The neighborhood has a drinking water network, but no sewage network. There is no PTT branch or agency in the neighborhood. There is also no health center and health center in the neighborhood. The road leading to the neighborhood is paved and there is electricity and fixed telephone service in the neighborhood.
According to the census conducted in 2019, the population of the neighborhood is 86 people.

The neighborhood was removed from the status of a village and gained the status of a neighborhood on December 6, 2012, when Tekirdağ became a metropolitan city.
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