• 37.7392
  • 40.6734
  • 48.7621

Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Generli District

Generli is a village in the District of Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ Province, Turkey. The history of the neighborhood dates back to ancient times. Until the early 2000s, a festival called "teferric-teferrüç" was held in the neighborhood every spring season. Villagers from the surrounding villages and the center of Tekirdağ participated in this festival, had fun together, ate and chatted together.

The economy of the neighborhood is based on agriculture and animal husbandry. The main crops grown in the neighborhood are wheat, sunflower, barley and beets. In animal husbandry, sheep and cattle are fed. Beekeeping is also practiced in the neighborhood.

There is an elementary school in the neighborhood, but it does not operate due to the low number of students. Students in the neighborhood are sent to schools in Süleymanpaşa district with the transportation education system.

The population of the neighborhood is 150 people as of 2019. The population of the neighborhood has declined in recent years. The reason for this is that the young population migrates to big cities in search of job opportunities.

On December 6, 2012, Tekirdağ gained the status of a neighborhood with the metropolitan status.
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