• 37.7392
  • 40.6734
  • 48.7621

Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Demirli District

Demirli is a village on the outskirts of Beşiktepe where iron mines were operated during the Ottoman period. It is rumored that the name of the village originated from these mines. After the Ottoman conquest of Rumelia, Syrian Turkmens were settled in the region.

Demirli is 22 km from Süleymanpaşa, the central district of Tekirdağ. The livelihood of the village is agriculture and animal husbandry. There is no primary school in the village, and students benefit from the bussing education system. There is a drinking water and sewage network in the village. However, there is no PTT branch, PTT agency, health center and health home. The village can be reached by asphalt road, and electricity and fixed telephone services are provided in the village.

In 2019, the population of the village was determined as 130 people.

On December 6, 2012, when Tekirdağ became a metropolitan city, the village status was abolished and Demirli became a neighborhood.
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