• 37.7392
  • 40.6734
  • 48.7621

Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Cumhriyet District

Cumhuriyet is a village located in the Süleymanpaşa district of Tekirdağ Province, Turkey. The population of the neighborhood is 6,472 people as of 2020. The neighborhood is located close to the center of Tekirdağ and is one of the oldest settlements in the district. The history of the neighborhood dates back to the beginning of the Republican period. In the neighborhood, there are historical buildings, mosques, schools, and parks built in the early years of the Republic. The neighborhood also has a vibrant life culturally and socially. The Republic Day celebrations held every year in the neighborhood reinforce the sense of unity and solidarity of the residents. The neighborhood adapts to the developing and changing structure of Tekirdağ, but also preserves its historical and cultural heritage.
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