• 37.7392
  • 40.6734
  • 48.7621

Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Bıyıkali Mahallesi

Bıyıkali is a neighborhood in the District of Süleymanpaşa, the central district of Tekirdağ. Among the economic activities of the neighborhood, agriculture and animal husbandry have an important place. 

Educational services in the neighborhood are at the primary level. The infrastructure of the neighborhood is developed. Sewerage, water mains, electricity and landline telephone services are available. Although there is no PTT branch, PTT agency serves. A health center and a health home are also located in the neighborhood.

There is a pond called Bıyıkali Pond within the boundaries of the neighborhood. This pond is suitable for fishing and picnicking.

In 2019, the population of the neighborhood was determined as 668 people.

The population of the neighborhood has been on a downward trend in recent years. A large part of the young population has migrated to Tekirdağ.

The neighborhood changed from the status of a village to the status of a neighborhood on December 6, 2012, when Tekirdağ became a metropolitan city.
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